Zebra crossing

Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | 'Carnivale' painting by Emma Gale proudly displayed in the Safari Fusion studio

With the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival and all the horse talk wrapping up last weekend, I thought I would post on Africa's 'horse' the beautiful Zebra.

For those of you that follow Safari Fusion on Pinterest you will know I have a thing for Zebras - the real ones, the cowhide rugs disguised with Zebra stripes, paintings, pictures, home decor; you name it if it has a Zebra on it I love it.

Maybe it's the monochrome stripe design of the Zebra that makes it so appealing, geometric and striking it works so well with bright colours. Regardless, I don't think I could ever tire of photographing Zebras, buying Zebra paintings and pinning away to my hearts content on Pinterest.

Here are some of my favourites.

Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | A cowhide Zebra rug in Rachel Griffiths' mid century LA home via House to Home www.housetohome.co.uk

Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | Zebra by photographer Tim Flach www.timflach.com

Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | Limited edition Zebra print by White Forest Home www.whiteforesthome.com
Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | A one-of-a-kind Monkeybiz Bead Zebra handcrafted in South Africa by Safari Fusion www.safarifusion.com.au

Safari Fusion blog | Zebra crossing | Zebra rug entrance as featured in Lonny magazine September 2013 www.lonny.com
{Images: Anthea Polson Art, House to Home, Tim Flach, White Forest Home, Safari Fusion & Lonny}
